
Izingxenye ezisele

  • Ithrekhi roller ass'ty 207-30-00510

    Ithrekhi roller ass'ty 207-30-00510

    Ithrekhi roller ass'y ilungele i-Carter 326, iKomatsu 300, i-XCMG 370, amamodeli we-Liagong 365, amamodeli weSany 375.

    Umhlangano we-Roller udlulisela isisindo seyunithi ye-locomotive emhlabathini futhi agoqelele kumathrekhi ukuvikela ukuncishiswa.

  • Landelela izicathulo imbongolo'y 207-32-03831

    Landelela izicathulo imbongolo'y 207-32-03831

    Landelela izicathulo ze-shoe'y zilungele iKomatsu 300, i-XCMG 370 neLiugong 365 namanye amamodeli.

    Ukulandelela izicathulo: izicathulo zethrekhi ziqondise amandla okuphola we-crawler emhlabathini. Amathrekhi e-Crawler athinta umhlabathi, izikhala zifakwa enhlabathini, futhi umshayeli akasusiwe.

  • Swivel Joint Ass'ty 703-08-33651

    Swivel Joint Ass'ty 703-08-33651

    I-Swivel Joint Ass'y ilungele i-Carter 326, iKomatsu 300, i-XCMG 370, amamodeli we-Liagong 365, amamodeli weSAny 375.

  • Mpomp ass'y 708-2G-00024

    Mpomp ass'y 708-2G-00024

    I-Pump Ass'yis efanelekile iCarter 326, KOMASSU 300, XCMG 370, uLiugong 365, amamodeli weSAY 375.

    Umhlangano wepompo uwumthombo wamandla wohlelo lwe-hydraulic. It converts the mechanical energy from the engine into hydraulic energy, provides a certain flow of pressure oil for the hydraulic system, and drives the hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic motor.

  • Iqembu le-Cylinder lilungele iKomatsu 300, i-XCMG 370 neLiugong 365 namanye amamodeli.

    Iqembu le-Cylinder linesakhiwo esilula nokusebenza okuthembekile. When using it to achieve reciprocating motion, the deceleration device can be eliminated, there is no transmission gap, and the movement is smooth, so it is widely used in the hydraulic systems of various machines.

  • Swing Circle Ass'y 207-25-61100

    Swing Circle Ass'y 207-25-61100

    Swing Circle Ass'y isixhumi esidlulisa amandla we-Starter kuya ku-crankshaft. Umsebenzi wayo oyinhloko ukubona ukuhanjiswa kwamandla phakathi kwe-Starter kanye ne-crankshaft futhi kunikeze i-inertia yenjini.

  • Xhumanisa ASS'Y 207-70-00480

    Xhumanisa ASS'Y 207-70-00480

    Isixhumanisi se-ASS'ty singabanga ngaphezulu kobubanzi bokuhamba kwebhakede, ukufeza ukude, okujulile, kanye nemiphumela ephezulu. It is especially suitable for operations in special occasions such as mines, docks, and warehouses.

  • I-CAB ASS'Y (ngeKomstrax) 208-53-00271

    I-CAB ASS'Y (ngeKomstrax) 208-53-00271

    Le cab ihlinzeka ngemvelo yokusebenza ethembile, ephephile futhi elula yokungena komoya omuhle, okuvumela umshayeli ukuthi asebenzise kahle umgibeli.

  • I-Bucket 207-70-D7202

    I-Bucket 207-70-D7202

    I-Bucket ilungele iKomatsu 300, i-XCMG 370 neLiugong 365 namanye amamodeli.

    I-Bucket ilungele izinhlobo ezahlukahlukene zokwakha imishini yokwakha. Inokuvikelwa okuqinile kokugqokwa namazinyo amabhakede akulula ukuphula, ukuqinisekisa impilo yenkonzo ende.

  • I-Idler Ass'y ilungele iKomatsu 300, i-XCMG 370, iLiugong 365 namanye amamodeli.

    The idler assembly can reduce the friction and resistance between the cargo and the ground, reduce the wear between accessories on the construction machinery, and extend the life of the machinery. Iphinde inciphise ukulimala kwezimpahla ngezinga elithile.

  • I-Shacman Truck Battery Bhokisi Ikhava ye-DZ97189570281

    I-Shacman Truck Battery Bhokisi Ikhava ye-DZ97189570281

    I-DZ97189570281, ikhava yebhokisi lebhethri ilungele amamodeli weloli ashubile e-shacman.

    DZ97189570281,The position sensor of the accelerator pedal assembly generates a corresponding voltage signal and inputs it into the throttle control unit. The control unit first filters the input signal to eliminate the influence of environmental noise, and sends the corresponding voltage signal to the drive circuit module, which drives and controls the motor. I-valve ifinyelela isikhundla esifanele sokuqala.

  • I-Shacman Truck Air Condilioning Filter (MX) DZ15221841105

    I-Shacman Truck Air Condilioning Filter (MX) DZ15221841105

    I-DZ15221841105, Isihlungi somoya somoya (MX) silungele amamodeli amaloli ashubile e-shacman.

    I-DZ15221841105, I-Air Conding Fitter Element (MX) ingenza i-grid yomoya yomoya eduze kwecala ukuqinisekisa ukuthi umoya ongafakwanga awufaki ikhabethe. Kungahlukanisa ukungcola okuqinile njengothuli kanye nempova emoyeni. Kungadonsa umswakama, i-soot, i-ozone, iphunga, i-carbon oxides, njll. Emoyeni, futhi ine-adsorption eqinile futhi ehlala njalo e-adsorption.